Contactless Payments: Drink Espresso Bar

January 27, 2012
min read

Drink Espresso Bar calls itself  "UBC's coolest and newest coffee shop".  Not only is it "cool and new" it has the latest payment processing technology: Contactless.

At Drink any customer with a Visa PayWave or MasterCard PayPass card  can simply tap their card on the RFID reader at the top of the terminal and pay for their coffee in an instant.

No Pin, No Chip, No Worries

For businesses like Drink Espresso, contactless terminals can go a long way in creating convenience for both employees and customers as both parties save valuable time.  There is no need to enter a pin, swipe or insert chip, and in most cases no signature is necessary.

"Contactless terminals make any transaction quick and effortless" said Maurizio Delarossi, a third year UBC engineering physics student while happily sipping on his coffee at Drink.

Contactless terminals are best for merchants who have a high volumes of customers making small purchases.  To learn more about the best way you can make your checkout more convenient contact Kubera today.