Payment processing that focuses on your industry

July 19, 2013
min read

Let’s face it, there are no out of the box solutions that are going to satisfy the needs of a Resort, hotel, customer service centre, tourist destination or grocery chain.

When you’re operating a complicated infrastructure that has multiple points of purchase then you’re going to want to have a payment processing system that works in your favor. This means a payment processor that determines the best possible solution to fit your needs, while reducing your costs and providing outstanding customer service.

Why would you want a clunky system that doesn’t do exactly what you want and a team that isn’t dedicated to supporting your technical needs? You wouldn’t.

Is this even possible? Yes.

How do I find the best industry specific payments solutions? For medium and larger sized businesses (i.e. tourist destinations, resorts, hotels, ski hills…etc), there are four key points we that recommend considering before choosing your payment processor. They are:

Customer service

How good is this payment processor with customer service?If there isn’t a real person who can help you answering the phone, then don’t waste your time. Find out more about industry customer service here.

The bottom line

How does their solution affect our company’s bottom line?

Make sure that your payments partner is being transparent and offering you competitive pricing.


Are they going out of their way to offer a solution that really meets our needs?

Some relationship managers won’t really understand what your company needs because they lack experience or aren’t willing to go the extra mile and research the best custom tailored solution that will optimize your payment processing. Work with an expert, make sure they understand your business and are going the extra mile to satisfy your needs.


How well do they understand my technical team? How well do they understand the technology they are implementing?

In this competitive industry, it’s often likely that someone will not fully understand the technology needs when implementing an ecommerce solution or a payments infrastructure. Make sure that the payments processor is going to be able to work easily with your technical department.

If your payment processor isn’t meeting these key determining factors then consider switching. Working in the hospitality and tourism industries are hard enough! Work with someone who "gets" your business!

Is your payment processor not giving you the best solution?

Ask an expert at Kubera, we’re always happy to help.